I didn't want to catalog every gripe I had with "The Island" in the review for fear of boring those less interested in the details. But here are some other problems I had with the movie -- and some other curiosities. (Spoilers may follow & some of these won't mean much until after you see the movie.)
@:) Rob
We're told there are several "generations" of clones, but we're never told how or why. Are the cloners using different processes each time? Other than being created a year apart, what makes the Echo "generation" different from Delta "generation"? We know the clones aren't reproducing and causing genetic variations.
If the clone farm's security monitors the residents so closely, why don't they realize when Lincoln has woken up and sneaked out of his room in the middle of the night?
Why would the cloning company need to bring Tom Lincoln in for "rescanning"? Don't they keep a copy of his DNA on file?
Why aren't Lincoln and Jordan surprised to see each other when they both end up at the clone facility in the finale?
How does Lincoln know the process for shutting down the holographic generators?
If Lincoln can evade scores of security guys, how come the scientist who runs the place can so easily sneak up on him for a final fight scene?
Since the clones have been told the world is contaminated, why are they all so anxious to go running outside for the movie's last shot?
Speaking of which, I guess Michael Bay's philosophy is, why write your own ending when you can lift the one from "Logan's Run" wholesale?